Root Blog

Archive for June, 2012

Keiji Haino Documentary 1

Jefre Cantu-Ledesma – Faceless Kiss – Alone Together 7″ series. 0

Jefre Cantu-Ledesma – Faceless Kiss from Sabrina Ratté on Vimeo.

Faceless Kiss / Blut Mond is now available form Emerald Cocoon as part of their Alone/Together 7″ series. Records in the series by Pete Swanson, Christina Carter, Ashley Paul, Yek Koo & others are still available!!!

Tradition and Avantgarde in Japan: Japanese Music for Voice, Koto, and Shamisen 3

Tradition and Avantgarde in Japan: Japanese Music for Voice, Koto, and Shamisen
col legno CD, 2001

1. Yoshizawa Kengyô – Chidori No Kyoku (11:44)
2. Yatsuhashi Kengyô – Hachidan No Shirabe (10:46)
3. Yamada Kengyô – Nasuno (17:52)
4. Toshio Hosokawa – Nocturne (12:37)
5. Toshio Hosokawa – Banka (9:26)
6. Toshio Hosokawa – Koto-uta (10:20)



LP out today!



1: Analog or Digital?
both, together, in a holy union

2: What time did you wake up today?

3: Last thing you read?
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle

4: Whats your first memory?
Waking up at dawn in my toddler bed watching the owls that lived in my neighbor’s roof fly back from their night hunt. Or maybe looking in the mirror trying to decide what color my hair was.

5: Tea Or Coffee?

6: Last thing you cooked?
Stir fried summer squash with basil pine nuts and rice pasta

7: If you’re reborn who or what would you like to be?
something feline

8: What inspires you?
abundance, the sky in all of it’s manifestations, mind altering substances, intution, touch, texture

9: Last record you played?
HTRK work (work, work)

10: Favorite piece of musical equipment?
the thing inside my throat that makes the sounds

11: Last movie you saw?
Moonrise Kingdom

12: Who do you love?
Evan and June and so many more

13: Do you have any pets?
My family dog is an old yeller. I love her too.

14: Are you useful?
when I set my mind to it

15: Biggest fear?
fear is the mind killer (see 14)

16: What do you value the most?
the responsibility of self creation

17: Famous last words?
this should be interesting..

Vestals is California native Lisa McGee, who also spends time in Higuma & Portraits. ‘Forever Falling Toward The Sky‘ is her first ever LP & will be out tomorrow on Root Strata!!

Evan Caminiti – A Memory Or A Mirage 0

‘A Memory or a Mirage’ is from Evan Caminiti’s new album ‘Night Dust‘ out now on Immune.

The Loneliest Christmas Tree 1

The Loneliest Christmas Tree
The Meaning of Life
The Bus Stop Label – 7″, 1992

A1. The Meaning of Life
A2. The Treasure Chest of Me
B1. Purgatory

Josh Belknap – drums
Randy Peacock – bass
Danny Oxenberg – guitar, vocals
Jon Shere – guitar
Stephen Rand – singer, rhythm guitar (trak 2)

Trax 1+3 recorded autumn 87 at Pine Trax, Holyoke, Ma.
Trak 2 recorded live Chez Spike, feb 92
Graffix by André Busi


Ensemble Economique – Your Hands, Your Lips, Your EYES, Your Hips 0

New EE sneak preview of an upcoming split LP with Lee Noble on Hands In The Dark.

Mississippi Records Tape Series, Vol. 51 – Lullabies & Dream Songs Re-Up! 2



Peter Jefferies 0

Peter Jefferies
The Last Great Challenge In A Dull World
Xpressway – cassette, 1990
1. Chain Or Reaction (3:21)
2. Domestica (2:22)
3. On An Unknown Beach (4:49)
4. Guided Tour Of A Well Known Street (2:40)
5. The House Of Weariness (3:57)
6. Cold View (2:12)
7. Likewise (2:47)
8. The Fate Of The Human Carbine (3:28)
9. Catapult ( 2:19)
10. The Last Great Challenge In A Dull World (3:18)
11. While I’ve Been Waiting (2:56)
12. Neither Do I (2:19)
13. The Other Side Of Reason (6:03)
14. Listening In (3:14)

Contributors: Alastair Galbraith, Bruce Russell, Michael Morley, Nigel Taylor, David Mitchell, Robbie Muir, Kathy Bull.

The cassette was reissued by Ajax Records in 1991 on LP with 2 additional tracks: ‘Catapult’ & ‘The Fate Of The Human Carbine’, originally released as a Peter Jefferies/Robbie Muir 7″ on Xpressway in 1989.


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