Root Blog

Archive for June, 2015

Q&A – Vision Heat 1


1: Analog or Digital?
The combo. I’m infatuated with poly synths of the mid 80’s as well as the old samplers which were all in the digital realm. Also I use a computer to create everything so… But then of course there’s nothing like tape. Nothing. Everything I do has to hit tape before it hits the ears.

2: What time did you wake up today?
6:20 when my kid woke up. Then back down till 7:43

3: Last thing you read?
Maybe the latest Tape Op and i’m currently getting through the David Byrne’s How Music Works

4: Whats your first memory?
My parent’s apartment -nothing particular just the main room

5: Tea Or Coffee?

6: Last thing you cooked?
Tomato Salad with feta, cucumber, and mint for a picnic

7: If you’re reborn who or what would you like to be?
A musician in the 60’s.

8: What inspires you?
My quest to challenge myself to make better music…To be able to listen to something I did and really like it.

9: Last record you played?
The Haxan Cloak-Excavation followed by Pomegranates- the Persian rock comp from Finder’s Keepers

10: Favorite piece of musical equipment?
My computer or APH Library of Congress Tape Player

11: Last movie you saw?
Inherent Vice

12: Who do you love?
My family, dogs and the couple of friends I have

13: Do you have any pets?
Yes had 2 dogs now only 1

14: Are you useful?
Depends; sometimes I let other’s be in charge. I usually don’t care enough. But most of the time it’s me trying to be the motivator

15: Biggest fear?
Not having any legacy or not leaving a trace

16: What do you value the most?
Humor and companionship

17: Famous last words?

Vision Heat is Bay Area based Jared Blum. Along with running the Gigante Sound label, he has been involved in countless solo and collaborative projects over the years including Blanketship, The Talking Book, Vulcanus 68, etc. Jared’s first release as Vision Heat is available now from Root Strata.

Portland: Visible Cloaks & Matt Carlson this Sunday 0


Visible Cloaks
Matt Carlson

at Xhurch (4550 NE 20th Ave. Portland, OR)
Sunday, June 14th
