Root Blog

Karma Moffett – Golden Bowls Of Compassion

Karma Moffett
Golden Bowls Of Compassion
CD 2007

01 – 61:02


  1. rockcreek on February 19th, 2009

    New to me, and beautiful – thanks. This is fast becoming my favorite music blog.

  2. jryan on February 20th, 2009

    thanks Jefre for this (and all of your posts). i’ve been meaning to ask this for a while, but are you a Buddhist? just curious…i myself am…having studied Tibetan Nyingma.

    i love your blog and music. take care…j ryan.

  3. Jefre on February 21st, 2009

    Thank you J. Glad you enjoy the blog & the jamz!
    And to answer your qustion, yes. I practice Soto Zen.

  4. jryan on February 25th, 2009

    that’s awesome…you know, i even had you pegged for a Zen guy, too…don’t know why.

    thanks, and keep on rockin’ in the free world…and take care.

    j ryan

  5. 'Greaser' Bob on March 1st, 2009

    As an old, old friend of Rich (Karma) I would really like to give him a shout. Anybody that happens to see him, tell him Greaser Bob says Hi

  6. 'Greaser' Bob on March 1st, 2009

    I would very much like to give Rich (Karma) a shout. If anybody see’s him, tell him Greaser Bob say Hi! So would others from long, long ago.

  7. ivan spane on December 9th, 2010

    Richard –
    i went to the Friends of Tibet website for the Ft. mason event and saw your name on the program but no photo. Was this an oversight or? Let me know if you need some photography and I will be happy to donate what little talent i have to help you promote your commitment to Tibetsn culture.

    Ivan Spane

  8. Alex on July 20th, 2014

    Can ya reUP this please ?!! Thanks !!!!
