Keith Fullerton Whitman – 21:30 For Acoustic Guitar
Keith Fullerton Whitman
21:30 For Acoustic Guitar
Apartment B
CD, 2001
I’ve been having a KFWresurgence around the house these days. Good times. This one is, i believe, the first under his own name..and I assume was made with an early version of the ‘Playthroughs‘ set up, as it pretty much has the same feel of his Kranky debut. As in lots of lovely clouds of sine wave harmonics building up to a thick fog. Track 2 is really the standout for me, as it just gets CREEPY. Also, If you have the time & interest, Keith’s description of the evolution of his set up is an entertaining read..I almost lost my morning apple juice with this line “The easy learning curve of Max-MSP still, to this day, amaze me…”
Whatever math genius.