Root Blog

Q&A – Will Thomas Long


1: Analog or Digital?


2: What time did you wake up today?

5am, thanks to the cat.

3: Last thing you read?

the New Yorker

4: Whats your first memory?

christmas trees

5: Tea Or Coffee?

green tea

6: Last thing you cooked?


7: If you’re reborn who or what would you like to be?

a bird

8: What inspires you?

love, and memory

9: Last record you played?

Aki Onda – Precious Moments

10: Favorite piece of musical equipment?

Tingsha bells

11: Last movie you saw?

In the Mood For Love

12: Who do you love?

Chubby Wolf

13: Do you have any pets?

two black cats

14: Are you useful?

not lately

15: Biggest fear?


16: What do you value the most?


17: Famous last words?

‘In closing, let me just say this.’ – Peter Sellers

Will Long (and his late wife Danielle Baquet-Long, aka Chubby Wolf) is Celer and behind the Asia-centric distro project Floor Sugar. The latest Celer release, ‘In Escaping Lakes’ is out now on Slow Flow Rec.
