A Long Drone…
A Long Drone-Like Piece Of Music Made With Synthesizers, Samplers And Digital Delays Which Attempts In Its Minimalism To Be A Thing In Itself Without External Reference, Having An Analogue In Certain States Of Consciousness Where Being Is Experienced Also As A Thing In Itself And Not Contingent On Meaning Or Purpose.
JLIAT CD, 1999
All Jliat’s early drones are up for download at: http://www.jliat.com/drones/drones.html I highly recommend ’16:05:94′ – it’s probably my all-time favourite piece of purely digital drone. Suitable for any place/time/mind-state.
I wish more of his output was available on that site in higher quality, such as 320 kbps cbr ogg/mp3 or better: .flac. Great stuff!
Thanks for upping “A Long Drone…”!
Yeah, the kids really need to investigate JLIAT… His site was an eye-rape a while back but the new layout is pretty minimal/straightforward.
Anything from the ‘drones’ section is worthwhile, though I’m partial to the stuff I once owned – Dancing Horse, Nature of Nature, and Ocean of Infinite Being