Root Blog


Księżyc – Księżyc
OBUH records, 10″ – 1996

Notes: originally limited to 333 handnumbered copies. Comes in a foldout sleeve.


  1. Piotr Kurek on February 4th, 2012

    It’s so good to see Księżyc here! I know musicians from that band and they still play in some other projects but unfortunately Księżyc is gone. Also Obuh… I guess one of the most interesting labels in the early 90’s in Poland. Well Just few words with my highest recommendation!

  2. pan mietek on February 4th, 2012
  3. Maxime on February 4th, 2012

    thank you so much!

  4. Jeremy on February 4th, 2012

    This is wonderful! Made my morning. Thank you Jefre!

  5. Jeremy on February 4th, 2012

    my apologies….thank you maxime:)

  6. Jakub Adamek on October 23rd, 2014

    Just an interesting fact – Księżyc have reformed and performed live during the latest edition (2014) of the Unsound Festival in Kraków, Poland.
