joining the queue of those asking for a re-load, missed it last year. i heard this briefly years, and its been haunting me since, especially not buying the record at the time (it was £100 then…but hadn’t ever spent that much on a record, i felt it wasn’t right, mistake….)
anyway, would love to see re-uploaded. thanks for all the brilliant music posted on here.
hi! is it possible a re-up for this?
I would really appreciate it
twould be awesome if this was re-upped. sorry i missed it. ive been want to hear this for forever and a day.
Please !! Been meaning to download for so long, very sad to see that mediafire is deleting everything…
joining the queue of those asking for a re-load, missed it last year. i heard this briefly years, and its been haunting me since, especially not buying the record at the time (it was £100 then…but hadn’t ever spent that much on a record, i felt it wasn’t right, mistake….)
anyway, would love to see re-uploaded. thanks for all the brilliant music posted on here.
I would love to hear this album. Please re-up!
Aaah I need this!! Would like to buy someday LP…