Root Blog

Fairlights, Mallets and Bamboo Vol. 2


As promised, further investigation into the futuristic spaces in Japanese ambient and pop music from the 1980s…


Takashi Kokubo – “Electric Fantasy (Pops)” from Electric Fantasy
Ichiko Hashimoto – “Opening the Door of the Heaven, There Overflowed the Orange Shine” from Ichiko
Yasuaki Shimizu – “Hako” from IQ 179
Geinoh Yamashirogumi – “Primordial Germination” from Ecophony Rinne
Ippu Do – “Sorrow” from Night Mirage
Joe Hisaishi – “In the Polluted Sea” from NausicaƤ: Valley of the Wind OST
Haruomi Hosono – “The Truck on the Sea/Wheels on Fire” from Paradise View OST
Masashi Kitamura + Phonogenix – “Variation II” from Prologue for Post-Modern Music
Joe Hisaishi – “A Virgin & The Pipe-Cut Man” from Curved Music
Ryuichi Sakamoto – “Kokubousoushou” from Royal Space Force OST
Ryuichi Sakamoto – “Japan/Coda” from Coda
Eitetsu Hayashi – “Karabinka” from Messanger of the Wind
Hara Masumi – “Blue Night” from Imagination Exchange
Mu Projekt – “Mi Na Penda Sana Uya” from Asia Dream
Yoichiro Yoshikawa – “Nettai Gunchou Zu” from A Dream of Aku Aku
Chakra – “III” from Satekoso
Ryuichi Sakamoto – “Portfolio (Nomura Shoken CM 1988)” from CM – TV
Testpattern – “Ring Dance” from Apres Midi
D Day – “Sweet Sultan” from Grape Iris
Ryuichi Sakamoto – “Howdy (NTT CM 1984)” from CM – TV
Koharu Kisaragi – “Depato” from Tokai No Seikatsu
Haruomi Hosono – “Samidare Goma Kitou” from Tale of Genji
Sandii – “Shantih” from Eating Pleasure
Masami Tsuchiya – “Nightgulls” from Alone
Takashi Kokubo – “Playing Among the Gods” from Volk Von Bauhaus
Geinoh Yamashirogumi – “Reincarnation” from Ecophony Rinne
After Dinner – “Paradise of Replica” from Paradise of Replica

  1. Spencer on January 8th, 2014

    guess the download option was disabled…just fixed it and it should work now.

  2. joel i on January 8th, 2014

    great, i loved the last one, found some good stuff

  3. gboxx on January 9th, 2014

    spencer you’re a god

  4. Ben Tinker on January 11th, 2014


  5. Spencer on January 11th, 2014

    what’s up ben!! you’re welcome!

  6. Dispokino on January 16th, 2014

    Thanks for this excellent mix! Love all that synthetic plucking.

  7. Daniel on January 17th, 2014

    Thank you so much.

  8. stelladominique on January 24th, 2014

    Wow, thanks for your investigation. Amazing moment for me listening to ‘Fairlights, Mallets and Bamboo Vol. 2’!

  9. Ben on January 31st, 2014

    awesome mix! thjanks spencer!

  10. Julianna Bach on February 3rd, 2014

    Wow this is so inspiring, thanks for sharing Spencer!

  11. bcr on February 7th, 2014

    many thanx for this delight!

  12. anon on February 17th, 2014

    Hi there! Appears the dl link is gone again? Any chance of enabling it? Thanks.

  13. Spencer on February 18th, 2014

    soundcloud only allows 1000 downloads from their site…i’ll try to get a concrete link up sometime soon

  14. jesse on February 19th, 2014

    thanks i would love a concrete link:)

  15. Bruce on February 22nd, 2014

    Thanks for putting this together. A entire zone of music I know nothing about!

    I second the request for a download link. Also, was/is there a download link for the Music Interiors mix?

  16. Stephan on February 23rd, 2014

    Thanks for the brilliant mix Spencer!
    Yes, a download link would be great to have, played your other mixes nonstop in the car while traveling.

  17. John Root on February 27th, 2014

    hell yeah!

  18. Jefre on March 2nd, 2014
  19. Tigran on May 11th, 2014

    Hi wonderful stuff! Many thanks!
    any chance to get a download link for:
    Music Interiors

  20. philip sherburne on May 23rd, 2014

    This is so good I want to weep. Thank you for this!

  21. Tigran on August 7th, 2014

    Hi any chance for:
    Music Interiors
    download link?
    many thanks!

  22. Dylan on February 22nd, 2015

    Fantastic, fantastic mix here. I’m obsessed with the transition from Testpattern to that D-Day track “Sweet Sultan” in particular. I had never heard of D-Day before. Thanks for turning me on to so much fab music, Spencer.

  23. Eric on February 24th, 2015

    thank you so much spencer

  24. Greg on January 28th, 2019

    Any chance of a re-up? Link is dead……Looks like a very interesting mix of music!

  25. Joshua on May 5th, 2024

    Just wanted to comment and say how much I’ve enjoyed this series and the Music Interiors mix. Thank you so much for this.
