Root Blog



1: Analog or Digital?
I think both is the dream team. Phone voice memo to cassette, cassette to Ableton, Ableton to 2″ tape, tape to digital master, whatever’s clever.

2: What time did you wake up today?
9 AM. The maintenance man in my building arrived unannounced to paint over the repair to the gaping hole that appeared in my ceiling after some severe storms. The repeated rings of the dinky bell at my door woke me up and had me jumping into my pants like a frantic feline. Comedy.

3: Last thing you read?
I enjoy reading many books in tandem. Right now I’m reading Morton Feldman Says, Architectural Representation and the Perspective Hinge, Looking For Bruce Conner, Adhocism and Der Klang der Familie. I should also say it has been an equally horrifying and inspiring time to read the news lately.

4: Whats your first memory?
I can’t recall what came first, but it’s either an enormous black spider coming out of the faucet at the start of my bath or my mom’s smiling face hovering over me, singing “You Are My Sunshine”.

5: Tea Or Coffee?
Coffee. Whole milk, no sugar. Cardboard color.

6: Last thing you cooked?
Fancy lad faux sausages with mushroom, zucchini, bell peppers, and red onion with dollops of a black pepper, french mustard and sesame ginger dressing concoction for myself and my auntie Brigid.

7: If you’re reborn who or what would you like to be?
A tree. While I’d happily sway for years and years, I’d be content to become a piece of paper, furniture, a house or firewood. Even a stump makes an excellent resting spot.

8: What inspires you?
The moment after the present one. It is in that moment I’m offered the chance to say or do what I’ve only thought.

9: Last record you played?
Kim Jung Mi, “Now”. I’ve also been enjoying the James Holden NTS radio sessions.

10: Favorite piece of musical equipment?
My Ampeg Dan Armstrong “Smoke” guitar. I took the name Tint in honor of the body of my guitar, in reference specifically to the dark transparent shade of the lucite it’s crafted from.

11: Last movie you saw?
In the theater: Inside Out. At home: What Happened, Miss Simone?

12: Who do you love?
Her. I’m not certain who she is though. So by default, Bo Diddley.

13: Do you have any pets?
Not right now, though I like to say “Hi” to most street cats.

14: Are you useful?
Depends what I’m doing. I tend to unconsciously avoid tasks I feel I struggle with, but strive to transform my fear into motivation. That being said, I hope to never master anything. My friend said to me recently that every day she says to herself “ingenuity over virtuosity”. Upon hearing that I realized I’ve always felt that way but never had the words.

15: Biggest fear?
To put it lightly, it would have to be that if I was to be buried up to my neck in the sands of time with the ashes of my dreams blowing into my face, while being forced to observe the reels of my delusions.

16: What do you value the most?
It’s a tie for my hands and my tongue.

17: Famous last words?
Thank you.

TINT is Brooklyn transplant Zane Morris. His new 12″ EP ‘My New Murex’ is out this week on True Panther. Scope the vid.
